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A member registered Nov 13, 2016

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Ohh!! Okay thank you <33

Hey quick question, I'm using the itch app for the computer and I'm wondering if the update is sent automatically (?) ? Because I got an email, and I see in chrome the update notes but in the itch app it just says to launch (when usually there's a download update.) 

I'm looking forward to it and of course!!! <3 <3 
(And I skipped Elsie partly because I thought she was saying what her friend was saying and wasn't really interested in her for that, reason, but it's also because I hadn't gotten to her yet. When I actually talked to her she seemed cute, and i kind of like the dynamic so far. I just haven't had anytime to go back to play yet!) 

(1 edit)

I went out with everyone except for the bunny girl so far and I really like learning about the world form everyone's persepectives!!! Everyone seems reallly cute, looking forward to the next update! <333 take care of yoursel(f)ves.
(ps. I really love the music!!It really adds to the scenes, and the general atmosphere of a different world)